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In James 5:17 we are told that “Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are.” This meant that this remarkable man of God was not essentially different from any present day Christian. He was bold, certainly; but he could also be moody, self-centered and depressed. Unlike human biographers, the Holy Spirit tells us the whole truth about
the characters of whom He writes. Nevertheless, Elijah was mightily used of God in victory over Jehovah’s enemies—his course ending in a fiery rapture to glory.

Elisha, his protégé, however was a much different picture. His miracles were those of grace and not so much of judgment even though Israel was fast heading towards
apostasy and captivity. Elisha, in many ways, is a blessed type of the present ministry of Christ.

W.W. Fereday, in his usual concise and very interesting style, brings to light the above features in this biographical sketch of two of the mightiest prophets in Old Testament times. Read, learn, and enjoy!