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The Epistle of Jude and the Revelation of Jesus Christ are the last two books of the New Testament and indeed they close the entire cannon of Scripture. Both are highly prophetic but in different ways. This verse-by-verse commentary will help the reader to understand what some may find difficult and mysterious. The author is well-known for his concise writing style and laser-like focus on the Person and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Epistle of Jude

The emphasis on Jude is the coming apostasy, both of Christendom and of society as a whole—the second coming of Christ is presented to show that He will bring this apostasy into judgment. The exhortation to believers, in light of this is to, “Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all committed to the saints” (Jude verse 1). This short epistle of one chapter is the suited prologue of the visions of John given to him in Patmos: the Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Revelation of Jesus Christ 

In the first three chapters we see judgment begins at the house of God—the state of the assemblies is revealed with the according judgments and promises. Chapters 4-19 reveal to us the unfolding of the great scroll which will reveal God’s purpose concerning the earth. In it the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed as the victorious Lamb and rightful heir of all things. The final chapters describe the millennial kingdom and new heavens and new earth. John’s visions coincide with, and are similar to, the apocalyptic visions of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Zechariah.